Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winter Frio Trip

Our trip was a quick one this year, but we still had a great time. It just doesn't feel like Christmas Break without a trip to the Frio. We got the Lone Star cabin again this year, so we didn't have to camp. The girls were fighting so much at home, and I hoped a change of scenery would be what they needed. It didn't help :( They were fighting like crazy over everything there, also! It was pretty frustrating because you can't send them to their rooms for some alone time when they are all sharing a room. We stayed one night, and we decided to head on back the next night. As soon as we got there, Kacy got to work helping Cory dig and put in some new sprinkler pipe. She's always his little helper! The next day, we fit in our annual hike. It was a bit of a bummer because we had hiked Old Baldy last year at Garner, and it was so much easier and so beautiful. We drove over that way, just to learn that it was closed for 2 weeks for wildlife management. Good thing we had other options. Only problem is that our other option is straight up a mountain with no path that was already created. It's tough because you are literally bushwhacking the whole way! I decided that was our last time to do it that way! It's still always a great feeling to get to the top and check out the panoramic view. Everyone is always proud of themselves!

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