Today, I was watching her, and I started thinking of a few more things that she does that makes me smile. If you ever just sit and watch her, she makes the most hilarious facial expressions. Sometimes she does it to be funny, but other times it's just her being herself. It's awesome to watch her and try to figure out what the girl is thinking! Another thing is she likes to say things over and over and over until you acknowledge her. She will stay on that same thing until she gets the response from you that she is looking for. Another thing, although she is pretty violent and agressive at times herself, she loves to point out other things that are "not nice"! Adilyn was in timeout for hitting me the other day, and I heard Kacy's little feet pitter patter down the hall. I heard, "Not nice, Adilyn, not nice!", and then she ran away. The dogs were fighting the other night, and she yelled, "Not nice, Willow, not nice!" When I went to put her down to sleep in Michigan the other night, she said, "Kacy's bed, not nice." Obviously, it doesn't always translate correctly! She loves being funny, and anything that she does that makes us laugh, she will continue to do. Last thing, she has the most genuine smile and happiness about her sweet little soul. If nothing else, I sure hope that lasts for her lifetime. There is not much that a little laughter and joy can't solve in the world!
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