Little Kacy is two years old today. I can't believe how fast it's gone! I know everyone always says that, but I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. That little bit of perfection staring up at me as she entered the world changed my life that day. Here are a few of my memories from those early days...I remember the fear I felt as the nurses took her away when her sugar levels were high. I remember those sweet moments watching her little sleep smiles. I remember trying to get her baby pictures at the hospital. She was a mess! I was so not interested in getting those pictures taken, but the photographer was so convinced she could get a great picture. Now that I look at the one I bought, she looked like a wrinkled old man! Horrible! I was so nervous for Adilyn to meet Kacy for the first time. We knew that she was on her way with my dad and Kris. She was so uninterested in Kacy. It was better than her being mean to her, but it was still not the reaction I was hoping for. Those newborn days are so exhausting! Days and nights run together, and it's just a big blur...Kacy was such a great baby, and I thought she was going to be so relaxed and laid back. She always loved Adilyn's voice, and she would always look for her when she came in the room. Once she started smiling, she never stopped! Her personality has changed a lot in these last 2 years, but she is still just as amazing as she was the day she was born.
My Kacy, at 2:
*She loves to mess with Adilyn. The girl will snatch something right out of Adilyn's hand and take off running with it. Of course, this starts a lot of fights.
*Her laugh is AMAZING! When she starts to laugh, I mean, really laugh, it is completely and totally infectious. I love it! I seriously need to record it, so I can remember how much it makes me smile.
*She runs so funny. It's this little booty shaking, shuffling little run. She runs everywhere, too.
*She really wants to potty train. She will take her diaper off, pull her shirt up to her chest, and run to the bathroom with her little butt shakin' in the wind.
*The girl is full of energy! She doesn't like to sit still. She has no fear! Jumping off the edge of the pool, climbing up on anything, or anything else dangerous.
*Wagon rides and bubbles are her favorite things to do.
*She will say, "Hi" to anyone and everyone. I guess she doesn't feel like it's enough to say it once because she says it over and over until they respond with at least a wave.
*Anytime music comes on, she stops what she is doing and starts to bust a move.
*She all of a sudden decided that she likes Minnie Mouse. The other day, she gave me the remote control and said, "Minnie, Mama. Minnie!"
*She loves to do everything herself, and she tells us that she wants to do it herself by saying, "Kacy, do do." Little does she know what that means.
*Anytime we are just sitting around, she loves to talk about what people are wearing or not wearing. It goes like this, "Mama, no dress. Kacy, dress. Adilyn, dress. Daddy, no dress." or "Boy, hat. Kacy, no hat. Adilyn, no hat." etc...her favorites are dresses, shoes, hats, and glasses.
*She randomly walks around on her tippy toes.
*When she twirls, she does this little wind up thing like she is going to go really, super fast.
*Anytime she colors something, she has to go around and show everyone. She will put on little line, and go show Cory, yelling, "Dada! Dada!" Then, she will add a circle, and go show Cory, yelling, "Dada! Dada!"
*She sleeps really well - about 12 hours each night, and still about a 2 hour nap.
*Her eating habits are up and down. Some days she eats a ton, some days she eats nothing.
*She is talking a lot, and it seems like she learns new words everyday! My favorite is anytime I do anything for her, she automatically says, "Thank you, Mama." She says it in this small little voice, melts my heart.
These last two years have been a joy living with this beautiful little creature that I get to call my daughter. I am so blessed to be her mom, and I can't wait to see her grow and learn even more all the time! Happy Birthday, sweet Kacy Michelle. I love you, baby!
Our little Kacy Kace..our family is so much more fun with her..thank you, God for our two year old.
AND those big beautiful eyes!!
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