Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kacy's Favorite Sayings

1. "Ready, Mama!" She will say this when she is about to jump off something, run really fast, about to jump, trying to do something funny, or anything else that she thinks I need to "ready" myself for. The best part about it is that she screams it over and over until I simply say, "Yes."
2. "Otay? Otay?" This wouldn't normally be funny, but she says this anytime anybody coughs, sneezes, or even sniffles.
3. "Why, Mama, why?" Of course, she says this anytime I tell her that she can't do something. My favorite part is that she says it with the most pitiful voice ever!
4. Anytime we ask who tooted, she always says, "Me!"
5. My favorite is "Move back!"This is hilarious because she says it when she is going to the bathroom. I don't know if she just wants her space, or what, but it cracks me up every time!

I love 2 year olds, tantrums and all! :)

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