Monday, July 25, 2011

The Dentist

Last year when I took Adilyn to the dentist for the first time, I was not very impressed with the dentist. He came in with his mask on, and he kind of freaked Adilyn out. So, needless to say, we were done there! I asked Dana were she goes, and she recommended her dentist. I wasn't about to start searching the Internet because there are way too many choices! I just went with it, so we had our appointment today. I tried not to make a big deal about it, but I wanted to tell her what she should expect. She seemed like she was okay with everything, so I was feeling optimistic. We had to wait for a pretty long time, so everyone was getting antsy. Once we finally got in the room, Adilyn completely freaked out! She wouldn't even sit in the chair by herself. I had to sit in the chair with her in my lap. I guess it was completely normal because the dentist didn't seem to mind at all. She kept saying, "I'm scared." in this sad little voice. I kept trying to calm her down, and the dentist was amazing. Adilyn did let her clean her teeth and put "princess vitamins" on them. She refused to let her squirt water in her mouth, but the dentist was fine with that. I felt so sad for her, but I really liked how she was able to tell how she was feeling. She didn't just cry and close up, but she could actually tell me how she felt. It was heartbreaking, but I felt so proud of her.
Kacy, on the other hand, was great. I guess it was because she saw Adilyn go first. She just sat there in my lap with her mouth open like a pro! Both girls' teeth got a good report, but the dentist told us that they shouldn't be drinking juice too much or eating fruit snacks. Ooops!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Ive heard of tandem skydiving but never tandem dental care. Glad that's over for another 6 months!