Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Five O'Clock Freak Out!

Since we have been in the new routine of school starting, everyone has had their ups and downs. I am figuring out that we need to do some things differently, and I am trying to get our schedule situated. One thing that I can't seem to avoid is Kacy's 5:00 Freak Out, as I have come to call it in the last couple days. Seriously, at 5:00 every day Kacy throws a ridiculous tantrum about some horrific tragedy that has occured...Adilyn taking her balloon, Adilyn not giving her enough coins to play with, her snack spilling out of her bowl, etc, etc. Of course, this usually happens right when I am feeding Brooke, and I can do nothing to stop the chaos! I know it is just because she is tired, but the girl refuses to nap. So, what do we do? Nothing. We just hope that one of these days she will stop. I go back to my motto in life these days - and this to shall pass. Sometimes it doesn't pass quick enough, but it does eventually pass.

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