Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2nd Week of Kindergarten

Adilyn has had a pretty good 2nd week of Kindergarten. We had a couple rough mornings the first week. One morning she actually had to be pulled away from me in front of the school by a teacher because she wouldn't let go of my leg. Traumatizing...for both of us! I really wanted her to ride the bus because it's a much shorter walk to the bus stop, and it is just an easier situation for her to jump on the big yellow bus instead of being dropped off and walk in by herself. She really didn't want to ride the bus, so as every good mother does, I bribed her. Well, I like to think of it as a reward instead of a bribe. :) Anyway, two days into the 2nd week, and she has ridden the bus, and we have had no tears! She did tell me today that she got sad today in the bathroom because she missed me so much. So sweet, but why did the bathroom remind her of me?!? She seems to be doing pretty good so far. She says that she gets "Jaguar moneys" everyday for listening and doing the right thing. One days she told me that a teacher asked her to play with a little girl who was crying at recess. She played with her, the girl stopped crying, and she has played with her every day since. Her favorite part of the day is recess. She has definitely decided that the boy who looked like Christopher is in fact Christopher, and they have played together a couple of times at recess. She keeps looking for Annie and Laura (older girls that went to after school care at her daycare), but she hasn't seen them yet. She said that Mrs. Hanna, her teacher, is really nice, and never yells, but just talks to kids in a regular kind of voice even when they get in trouble. I thought she would be friends with this little girl named Taylor that we met at Meet the Teacher, but it doesn't seem like they are hitting it off too much. She said, "Taylor talks all the time. She just talks and talks and talks, always talks about nothing!" At her table is a boy named Max (with a cool mohawk), a boy named Joe (which she thinks is a funny name), and a girl named Lucy (with the big adult earrings). I am so proud of her for being brave. I know that new places, new people, and changes make her nervous; but she has done great! I love hearing her talk about her experiences and all the things that she is learning and doing. It seems many people these days are against public schools for various reasons, but I think it is fantastic! When she gets home, she is a little grumpy, but we are getting into a routine that seems to make her a little happier. We get a snack and a drink, watch a short show, and relax. She always wants to hold Brooke because she says she misses her during the day. So sweet.

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