Saturday, September 29, 2012

It Was Diasters!

One of Kacy's favorite thing to say is "That would be disasters!" It's so very cute and dramatic. But, she did have a big disaster on Wednesday! Adilyn, Kacy, and Hudson were jumping on the trampoline in the morning before we took Adilyn to school. All of a sudden, Adilyn came in to say that Kacy got hurt. Being the littlest girl, she had been hurt a few times earlier in the week, so I didn't think anything of it. We took Adilyn to school, and when we got home she was still saying that it hurt. She wouldn't put any weight on it, and she was still crying a lot. I got the feeling that something was really wrong. It was not swollen or bruised, but I still knew that she was not just being dramatic. I decided to take her to an urgent care clinic to get x-rayed. They said that she had a small fracture in her tibia, but that it would probably heal pretty quickly. He said that if she was still complaining about it after a week or so we should take her to an orthopedic specialist. We got home, and she was being pretty tough, but I could still tell it was hurting her. I asked Ashley to ask Gerad what he thought. He said it was hard to tell for sure, but that if it really was a fracture in her tibia, then it wouldn't heal very quickly. He said that he thought I should take her to an orthopedic doctor tomorrow, just to be sure. I wasn't sure what to do, but that night, she slept for a little while, but then was up pretty much all night rolling around and whining. Because of Gerad and our rough night, I decided to try to make an appointment for an orthopedic. I figured that it would take a while to get in somewhere, but when I called and told them it was for my 3 year old, she said that if I could get there in an hour they could see me. Cory was on a call, so I had to carry Brooke in her car seat and Kacy in my arms all the way in! I was not prepared with a stroller for Kacy or anything. It was quite an armful! We went in, the doctor looked at the x-ray, and said that he could definitely see the fracture. He also said that she was really tough because he could tell that he was hurting her when he poked and prodded her leg, but she just squirmed around and didn't say much. Unfortunately, he said that she would need a full leg cast for two weeks! Cory came back in just in time for her to get her cast. The caster said that she could pick two colors, so she got pink and purple striped. Again, she was being super brave while she was getting the cast. She had this sweet, little tough face on the whole time. What a trooper!
Here we are 3 days later...she is able to walk slowly on the cast. She hates going to the bathroom with it! She will often say, "Oooohhh, I don't like my cast!" or "I want this cast off my leg right now!" Sometimes, she has meltdowns and will act like she can't do anything. She doesn't like to be by herself, so when I leave the room, she freaks out and yells at me. When she is on the ground, she will scoot or army crawl where she wants to go. It's pretty pitiful, but pretty resourceful, too.

Before the cast...

Day 3 of the cast

Crawling in her "cat" outfit

She is doing great, and I am so proud of her. Can't wait until she gets that dang thing off though, and gets to be her little bouncy, running self again!

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