Sunday, September 30, 2012

Old House Memories...New House Future Memories

Disclaimer: Sorry about the length of this post....It kept going, and going, and going! :)
It's been 10 days since we left our house of 10 years, and I miss it. Of course, right now I mainly just miss it because we have no house of our own. I miss having my own space so much! I am so thankful to the Hrobars and to Ryan for letting us stay at their places, but nevertheless, it's been hard. I told Kacy when she was throwing a crying fit that we were going "home" the other day, and she sobbed, "We don't have a home!" It was pretty pitiful. I keep telling them that wherever we are, it is our pretend home until we get our new house. For the most part, they seem to be doing well considering the situation!
Anyway, before I forget, here are some of my memories of our house...
*Cory and I were so excited to finally agree on the house after looking for months! He loved the garage. I loved the master bathroom and the bayou in the back. I hated the yellow color on the siding which I vowed to change immediately. (It stayed the same all 10 years!) For all the pros and cons, I remember walking in the house and knowing it was ours.
*We did a lot of projects in the house the first few years. There was hideous wallpaper everywhere! The first to go was the kitchen, and what a disaster it was to take down. The backing of the sheet rock came off, which made a huge mess. Every wall had to be retextured and repainted! We got rid of all the linoleum, too. Yuck!
*Bringing home Zoe was a moment I will never forget! I wanted a dog of my own for so long. She was such a good dog!
*After our climbing gym closed, we turned our garage into the "S&B Powerhouse". We used walls and holds from the gym, and we would have 10-15 people over every Tuesday and Thursday to climb. Fun times!
*It snowed one winter, and I remember Cory, Zoe, and I went and played in the bayou winter wonderland.
*I tried out many different painting techniques in the house. The most impressive was painting stripes up in the office. I was so proud of myself, and then Cory came home and said, "Peach stripes, really?" So sad...I always did my painting projects when he was out of town, though so he couldn't really say anything while I was doing it.
*When we brought Willow home, I thought Zoe would never forgive me! She was mad for at least 2 weeks, until she finally forgave me and tolerated this new puppy.
*Running in the bayou with the dogs was one of my favorite things to do until they built all the new subdivisions.
*Many nights were spent on the couch having "Friday Night Movie" night with Cory. 9 times out of 10, I would fall asleep in the middle of the movie. It became a tradition for me to pass out and miss the most exciting part of the movie. :)
*The biggest, most life changing moment was, of course, bringing Adilyn home. I will never forget all those moments, walking around patting her back trying to get her to sleep, watching her sleep in her pack 'n play in our room, watching her crawl across the room for the first time to try to get Cory's keys, spraying her with water on the driveway while she cracked up, blowing bubbles with her on the front porch, and every other sweet memory.
*I loved having my 30th birthday crawfish boil party at our house! Friends and family came, and it was a great day!
*Bringing Kacy home was another special memory! Introducing Adilyn to her little sister (AKA - the one who turned her world upside down), and making all those sister memories. Being Mickey Mouse and Toodles for Halloween, Adilyn wanting to hold Kacy on the couch, making Valentine's Day decorations together, watching Kacy sleep peacefully in the swing.
*Christmas when Adilyn was 2 was amazing! Kacy was about 6 months old, and she was a really cute little one. She was very alert and happy. I remember blowing up a bunch of balloons on Christmas Eve for some reason for Adilyn to play with, and Kacy just loved holding them. Santa got Adilyn a train set that she loved playing with (for all of 2 days)!
*Adilyn and Kacy's 1st and 3rd birthday party was a great memory, too! It was the first birthday party that I had at the house, and it was a wonderful day. We rented a blow up waterslide, put it in the driveway, and had fun with friends and family all day!
*Last, but not least..bringing home the third and final sweet baby girl, Brooke. There is something about coming home with a newborn baby that is so special! Coming home with her was so amazing. The girls were so in love with her, so excited to have her in our family.
*One more experience that was memorable was getting Adilyn off to Kindergarten this year. I will never forget walking up to get her everyday after school those first few weeks of school and sharing the walk home together as we talked about her day.
In the last 10 years, so many things happened to our family in this house. Memories were made, laughter was shared, and unforgettable moments together were created! I will never again try to soothe a crying baby while walking up and down that hallway.We will never have an amazing dance party in that living room again. I will never again make spectacular chalk creations on the driveway to impress my kids. I will never again sit out in the cul-de-saq watching the girls collect pine needles from the neighborhood in their Barbie Jeep. I will never again have to be the prince with Adilyn and her tiny princesses in the playroom. I will never again hang out in the backyard while the girls play "old timey laundry" in the water with buckets while Cory tries to shoot dove with Adilyn's pink BB gun. Instead, we will make a lifetime of new unforgettable memories in a different house. I can't wait to find all the things I love about our new place. I am looking forward to starting this new chapter while the girls are still young. There are so many new "firsts" and "lasts" that we will experience together in this new house. I am sad to leave our home on Winding Trail, but I can't wait to make our new house, our home!


Dana said...

That was just so sad. I know you guys are having a really tough time right now. You have all braved a ton of trauma! I know your new house will be bigger, better and just as homey and memorable in not time. Hang in there Hendersons.

nammie said...

That brought tears and so many memories! Winding Trail was awesome but the new house will have its own beautiful memories for all of you(and all of us) Get the Nammie room ready!! Love you all.