Thursday, August 18, 2011

That's Alright For Me

Adilyn usually gets on these little streaks of saying certain things all the time. One of her new things is "That's alright for me." She will say it in all different situations. I will tell her that we are out of milk, she replies, "That's alright for me." I will tell her that her shoes are a little too big. she replies, "That's alright for me." She might find a clip, put it in her hair, and say, "That's alright for me." Sometimes I think she is reassuring herself by saying it. Sometimes I think she is reassuring me, and sometimes I just think that she is trying to be a brave little one. Whatever the reason is, I think it's super cute, and it' alright for me. :)

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Just love it when she says that..whatever the darn cute!