Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

We are a week and 1/2 in to yet another school year, and we are slowly getting back to our typical school night routine. Cory was out of town last week, so I was really on a schedule. Get the girls by 4:30, cook dinner, eat by 5:30, play, baths at 7, watch a short show, read books, and in bed by 8pm. Writing it down like that sounds dismal and blah, but really our nights aren't too bad! Even though we are tired from our days, and we don't have very much time together after cooking and all the things we have to do, I really try to make our hour or so of playtime enjoyable. Sometimes we dance to silly songs (that's my favorite), sometimes we play outside and ride bikes, and sometimes we just play with dolls and Barbies. Whatever we choose to do, as long as I have a few minutes to hear those sweet giggles and see those sweet smiles, I am good for the day! Being a working mom and knowing that I am missing out on some special times with my kiddos is hard at times, but I try to make up for it by making the time that I have with them, quality time!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

So glad you are finally getting the chance to play with dolls. You are such a good Mommie.