Monday, August 1, 2011


In a previous post, I explained about the lofty goals that Adilyn and I made at the beginning of the summer. Well, she has now completed two of them! Of course, the two she accomplished were not the "academic" ones, but at least I feel like we accomplished a little something. A couple weeks ago, she finally decided to become a swimmer instead of a professional water treader. We were swimming in Cory's mom's pool, and she just looked at me and said, "I am going to put my face in the water this time." She did, and she swam, and now she is a little fish!
She also finally figured out to ride her bike. She still gets stuck every now and then, and I can't even imagine how we will begin to teach her to ride a bike without training wheels! Maybe that will be my goal next summer :)
We never got very far on the letters or the learning, but I pretty much gave up on the idea. It was such a struggle every time, and I really didn't want to turn her off from learning. I just know that she is stubborn and just like how she decided to put her head in the water, she will decide when she wants to let me help her learn. Hopefully, that happens sooner than later!

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