Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tears...After FOUR Years?!?!

I love, love, love summer! What I don't love is getting back in the routine of school. When Cory dropped her off all last week, she was fine. He said that both Kacy and Adilyn would walk right in, sit down at the breakfast table and wave goodbye to him. Everyday when I picked her up, and she seemed excited to be back in school. One night when we were going upstairs, she even randomly said, "I am having fun going to school." This week has been a totally different story. Cory is out of town, so I have taken them the last 2 days. The mornings are a little more stressful when it's just me, but we have done pretty well. Monday, Adilyn got a little sad when I went to leave. She held on to my leg, and I had to pry her off. That was sad. Today, though, was even worse! She followed me out into the lobby and would not let go of my leg. I told her to stop, and I peeled her off of me. She started to cry, so I told her to stop crying, and of course, she cried harder. I just couldn't believe that after going to school for all these years, she was crying like this! I had to leave her in a big crying pile on the floor with her teacher trying to calm her down. Staying would have made things worse, but it just about killed me to walk out those doors. I called about 30 minutes later, and they said she was fine, but it didn't make me feel any better about the morning. I have to remember that it has to be hard for her to be home with me 24 hours a day for almost 3 months, and then be separated again. Still sometimes, I seriously question my choice to be a working mom. :(

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