Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Tribute to the Tahoe

It's been 12 years, 200,000 miles, and many memories, but it's time to say goodbye to my sweet Tahoe! Well, maybe not goodbye just yet because she is still sitting in the driveway until who knows when, but I got a new car! Gerad and his dad once again came through with a great deal for us. We got a 2011 Expedition with only 24,000 miles. It's really nice, and it was a fantastic price! But, I need to take the time to say thank you to my Tahoe. Some places that the Tahoe took us - Fort Worth a countless times, Austin on a weekly basis back in our rock climbing days, the river in our boating days, many a park in our kid days, the Frio a bunch, Colorado, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma (where a deer interrupted our trip to Arkansas). Some memories in the Tahoe - driving around for what seemed like hours during all of our showings when our house was for sale, Zoe peeing in the backseat on our way home from a climbing trip and making it forever have "that smell" when it got humid outside, accidentally locking Adilyn in the car when she was about 2 years old, the girls playing "driving" for hours, washing the car with the girls in their diapers, and many more. Of course, the biggest adventure that we had in the Tahoe was our journey into parenthood. I honestly remember like it was yesterday being the the backseat on my knees with my head in the carseat that we had put in the car to bring our first little baby home trying to breath through my contractions. I truly thought the baby was going to be born in the Tahoe. We took the Tahoe to the hospital for every delivery, and we brought each one of our sweet girls home in it. Truly memories that will not be forgotten! So, Tahoe, thank you for getting us from place to place for all those years. We will forgive the breakdowns in the middle of Interstate 10, the broken CD player, the leaking oil, and the smell that you had sometimes (it wasn't usually your fault anyway, blame those stinky old milk sippy cups or the dog or kid pee)! Wherever you go from here, know that the Hendersons loved you, and we will remember all those memories that you were a part of! :)

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Tahoe will live forever in our memories. We love our cars!!!