Thursday, February 6, 2014

Icy Trip to Ft. Worth

There was an in-person training up in Dallas, and I had asked Dad to take off to babysit Kacy and Brooke for those two days. Adilyn stayed home with Cory. We woke up the morning that we were supposed to go, and it was snowing! The forecast for Dallas was ice and snow, too. I decided to try to go, but the very first bridge we got to had two wrecks from the ice. At that point, I turned right around and headed home. The weather cleared, so we decided to go on up later that day. We got up there safe and sound, hung out with Dad and Kris, only to get an email in the morning to say that all the training for the next day was canceled. Dad took two days off for nothing, but at least we had a good time hanging out with some of our favorite Fort Worth people! Anne and the kids came over for dinner on Friday and Brandon came too. Kacy got to play in the snow, even though she only lasted about 5 minutes. I am lucky to have made it up there safely, and I am lucky to have such a wonderful family. So all in all, it wasn't a total loss!

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