Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"Okay, Mama!"

Brooke is something else! Now that she is talking more of her personality is coming out even more. She is hilarious, and she just loves to be "cute". Any time the girls laugh at her, she just keeps on going and entertaining them. Her favorite thing to say is "Okay, Mama!" She says it almost every time I say anything to her. She also says it in every style voice - happily yelling, laughing, crying, or my favorite super sad whiny voice. It's pretty funny! Sometimes she doesn't even really mean okay because she doesn't actually do what I ask her to do, but it's funny that she knows what I want to hear.
Her other favorite thing to say is "apple g" or apple juice. I made the mistake of giving her juice much earlier than I did the other girls, and that girl is apple juice crazy! Kacy likes to call her an "apple juice master".
Other than that, she pretty much copies any and every thing that anybody says. I asked her the other day what she wanted to watch on tv. She said, "Monster Eye" = Monster High. She has never seen it, but she hears the girls talk about it all the time. It's always amazing to me how language develops so quickly!

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