It seems that Brooke's name has officially changed to Brookie. I think it's just because she is a baby, but it seems that everyone is calling her that these days. I don't mind, I think I do it more than anyone :) Brooke is still crawling everywhere, and crawling there fast! She is also a fantastic cruiser, and an amazing climber. She figured out the stairs the second time she even attempted them. I think Adilyn and Kacy showed her how to crawl up them, but she still mastered it pretty quickly! She even learned how to slide off Kacy's bed backwards all by herself. One day she crawled to the edge, turned around, and scooted right off. I thought she might be trying to walk by now, but she doesn't seem too interested. It's pretty funny because when we try to get her to walk, she always walks sideways like she does when she cruises. We gotta get that girl straightened out!
I have been reluctant to talk about it or blog about it, but she is sleeping so much better. Just like most things we worry about, one day, the problem just fixes itself. I am still a little weary of it being the end of our sleeping issues, but every night I get, I am thankful for :)
Brooke is a great eater. Favorite fruits - strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and blackberries. Favorite meat - sausage and pork. Favorite veggies - whatever I can sneak into other stuff! I will make all of her "micro" food, it will fill up the entire plate, and the girl scarfs it down. She eats like a man! With that being said, every now and then, she doesn't feel like eating, and she will just throw everything off her tray. I think she does that just to test us and to make the girls laugh. Somehow we got started saying "pinchers up" randomly at meal time. Whenever anybody says it, we all put one hand in the air and make pinchers like Brooke. She will look at us, laugh, and eventually will join us with her pincher up!
She isn't saying many words, and every time we try to get her to say something, she just looks at us like we are crazy people. She gives fantastic open mouth kisses! She loves to watch the girls play and dance. She is trying to dance right along with them.
It's hard to see what her personality is going to be like. She seems to be a little dramatic like her biggest sister. When she bumps her head or falls, she will scream like the world is ending. If I tell her she's okay, she usually stops immediately. It's like she screams just to see what I will do. She is still in her stranger danger stage, but she doesn't seem too shy. She likes to laugh, and she loves when Cory "attackles" her and tickles her. Overall, she seems to be pretty easy going most of the time. We shall see!
I just can't believe that this little baby of mine is going to be 1 next month! It's gone by so fast, and I have loved every minute of it. (Well, loved every minute during the daylight hours anyway...)
1 comment:
Sweet her like crazy!! Almost one..awww...
cohaisi 151
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