Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Everyone slept in on Easter morning, but once we were all up, we started looking to see if the Easter Bunny had stopped by. He had! There were little eggs everywhere, and the girls had to find the path of the eggs in number order to find their baskets. (It sounds very complicate, but it wasn't!) The girls had a great time finding all their little treats! It was a much more relaxing hunt this year for me, since I was in labor while they were hunting. :) We had a great Easter lunch over at our house with Holly, Benton, Callie, Connor, Lani, and Amy. The kids had a fun time playing at the house, and of course, they loved finding all the eggs in the front yard. And the candy they got was alright, too :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scared of the Easter Bunny

I was putting the girls to bed the night before Easter, and they started talking about how they were scared of the Easter Bunny. I told them that he was just like Santa, and he was nothing to be scared of. Then, I asked Adilyn why she was scared of the Easter Bunny but not the Tooth Fairy. She looked at me like I was an idiot, and said, "Because the Tooth Fairy is tiny, and the Easter Bunny is a big, huge bunny!" I couldn't argue with that, so I just told her not to worry about it because bunnies can't climb upstairs. That was good enough for her because she gave up after that! Thank goodness!

Our Beautiful Easter Eggs

I absolutely love dyeing Easter eggs. I am pretty sure that I even dyed eggs before we had kids! It's so much fun, cheap, and easy. I try to do something a little experimental every year, and every year it is a disaster. This year was no exception! I love Pinterest for all the fabulous ideas, but I would say at least half the time my Pinterest projects are Pinterest fails! Well, I had seen something about melting crayons and rolling the eggs in it. Yeah, that didn't work, but I did waste a lot of my precious time peeling and shaving those damn crayons. We also tried to cover plastic eggs with Modge Podge and tissue paper. Again, not a great idea we got super sticky and had tissue paper all stuck to our fingers! Thank goodness we had the old fallback egg dye tablets or the whole thing would have been disastrous! The girls had fun with all of it, and I love making those memories with them (even if it's filled with a tiny bit of frustration on my part!)

Kacy's Last Soccer Game

Soccer ended on Easter weekend, and it was a pretty good game! We actually scored a goal, which hadn't happened in a few games :) Kacy still stayed out of the action for most of the season, but at least she was out there running around. She did what she was supposed to, and she seemed to have fun. I never had to bribe her to get out on the field, which was an improvement from our last soccer experience. ;) Cory and Shane did a fabulous job with coaching, and I think all the parents were happy about the way the season went. They were very patient, organized, and motivating! All of those qualities were essential to remain sane throughout the season. It was cute how many of them wanted to hug both of them after each game!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Last year, we went to the Hrobars church for Palm Sunday to participate in their egg hunt, and we tagged along this year again. The kids always have so much fun, and it is amazing how quickly those kids snatch up the eggs! It was pretty chilly, but that didn't slow anybody down.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Kacy's Gymnastics

Kacy has loved her gymnastics class! She is doing pretty well, and she is having a great time. Her teacher is fantastic, and they do a variety of different activities that help them with balance, coordination, and strength. I think it is great for her confidence (not that she needs any help with that), but it's still a great learning experience for her. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kacy's Art

Kacy has been drawing and decorating things for a long time, but recently, she has been drawing these little alien looking people. Every time she draws one, she wants me to try to figure out who it is. Of course, they all look alike, and of course, she is always so excited for me to guess. So, I go through the list of all the people we love, and eventually I will guess the right one. Luckily, she doesn't get mad at me for not "recognizing" our loved one :)
I think this one was Adilyn, but it could have been Pops for all I know!

Spring Break 2013

We had a nice, relaxing Spring Break this year! Mom came down to visit on Monday, and she stayed for a couple days. It was nice to have her to entertain the big girls! We also went down to the Aquarium one day and fought the Spring Break crowds. It wasn't too busy, but busy enough to kind of get annoying. It was a beautiful day weather wise, and the girls had a fantastic time as usual. They even both got their faces painted this year. Brooke went on the ferris wheel for the first time, and she seemed a little skeptical. Adilyn rode her favorite ride, The Lighthouse Drop, with me. It still amazes me that she isn't scared to do that. The other time that Mom was here, the girls just played and did their normal thing around the house. 
On Thursday, Mason and Wyatt came over while Dana went to work, and the kids had a great day playing together! They are so cute how they come up with games to play with each other where everyone can be included. The boys are a full 4 years older than Kacy, but they still do things that she can do with them and have fun. They were playing something with an office, and they had set up a very elaborate office with a waiting room and everything in Brooke's room. It was a beautiful day, so I thought they would love to go to the park, so we loaded everyone up. We were there for about 30 minutes before they all said they were hungry. After lunch they played for another 30 minutes before they were all bored and ready to go home. Crazy kids, a beautiful spring day with a whole park to play in, and they were bored!?! I couldn't believe it. I "forced" them to stay for another hour or so because Cory was going to come join us. They played some soccer, and they found a couple other kids to play with so they were fine. We got home, and they decided to watch "Daddy Daycare" while Brooke took a nap. It was adorable to hear them all giggling out in the living room at all the funny parts! I love their sweet relationship with each other :)
Cory was working on getting his garage/workshop set up, so we hung out around the house for most of the rest of the week. It was pretty hot, so Saturday we were out in the backyard and the girls started playing with the pool water. Then, they ventured on the first step. Then, they ventured on the second step. Before I knew it they were in the freezing cold pool! Kacy was way more wimpy than Adilyn about the cold, but I can totally understand! I would have never gotten in there! We went to a wedding that night, and the girls had a fantastic time seeing the fancy dresses and dancing.
It was great to have everyone at home together with no dance, gymnastics, soccer, etc. There were some arguments here and there, of course, but it's so nice to have some time to relax and sleep in!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Kindergarten Field Day

Adilyn had field day at her school today. I absolutely loved field day when I was in elementary school. I really remember being so devastated when I learned that there was no field day in junior high! When I was teaching elementary PE, I was sad to learn that field days have changed since those days of regular foot races, softball throw contests, potato sack races, jumping events and 3-legged races. Now they are all about participation and "success for all kids". While I believe in that philosophy in some respect, I also think that there is something to be said for competition - winners and losers, working hard for your team, etc. Anyway, Adilyn's field day was of the participation for everyone type, but it was still a lot of fun! They had a tug-of-war event, an "armadillo roll", filling water buckets, an obstacle course, and other types of activities. I loved seeing Adilyn interact with her class and to see her participating. She wasn't the fastest or the most competitive, but she had fun and tried pretty hard. I am so glad that I get to stay home to be a part of all these events at her school.