Monday, February 11, 2013


We decided to put Kacy in soccer at the YMCA with Hudson this spring. After last year's drama with Adilyn, you would have thought we learned to wait until they are older, but apparently, we didn't! Cory and Shane decided to help coach, so that makes it even more hilarious. The guys are absolutely fantastic with the kids. Kacy is the only girl, and most of the boys are pretty young and tiny. We have one 5 year old boy who is a super star, so that makes it hard in some ways, but at least we have someone going after the ball! It has been fun, but Kacy is not nearly as aggressive as we expected her to be. I think it is because there are so many boys. She pretty much stays by the action, but not in the middle of it. At least she stays in the field unlike her sister. :) I will put some pictures up soon!

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