Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Photo Class

Cory, Shane, and Carl all got together and decided to get me, Dana, and Sonja a photography class for Christmas. We were very excited because we all wanted to learn to use our cameras more, but even better - the classes are on Friday nights, which meant, mandatory girls' night out! I haven't had one of those in forever! Way too long! We had such a great time. The information we learned was actually pretty helpful, and we learned a few cool techniques. We have one more class to go to, and I hope we will learn even more. It's great to have such great friends to be able to not only get along as couples, but also get along when it's just us girls. Cory and I took the girls to the park the next day, and I practiced all my new techniques. I wouldn't say that I'm a professional quite yet, but maybe after our "Photo 2" class :)

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