Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3 Kids and a Dog Crate

You never know what is going to entertain kids. The other day, I was going to try to sell the dog crate that we have had for years and never used. I got it out to clean it off, and of course, the girls wanted to help. Well, after we had it all cleaned off they decided it would be fun to make it their little home. They all got in it and played in there for a good 30 minutes without fighting. I found that very ironic because here we have a huge house, and they fight all the time. Put them in a tiny crate, and they get along. Go figure! :) They were pretending that Brooke was their doggie because she was crawling around. They would pet her, and in one of the pictures it shows Kacy even cleaning her off a little bit. Brooke loved it, and even after the girls were done, she kept going back in for more playtime. Silly kids!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Just hilarious! So glad you do the blog. This will be great fun in the future!