Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Flo-yay, Sto-yay, and Mor-yay

Kacy has the sweetest little voice, ever. I love to hear her talk, and the way she says things sometimes is hilarious. She loves to use big words, and she usually uses them appropriately. Some of her favorite "big word" sayings are, "That's so embarrassing." or "I appreciate it." or "You are hilarious." She also voices her feelings very well. She will tell me if she is scared or nervous about something.
One thing about being a mom is you can understand your kid better than anyone else. Obviously, we are around our kids more than anyone, so we know how they say certain words. That's an amazing thing because we can give them what they need without them getting upset, and we can communicate with them better than a stranger. But, there is also a downside. We don't realize sometimes when they say things wrong. Well, that's what happened with Kacy. I just realized the other day that for most words that end in the "er" sound, she changes to "yay". What the heck?!?! She can say words like "quicker" or "faster", but when she says "floor" it sounds like "floyay". It's adorable, but it's so odd! She can say "er". She can say "flo". The minute she combines them it becomes "floyay". I was working with her the other day trying to get her to say it better, and she started to get frustrated. I know it's not that big of a deal, so I let it go. It will all work out, just like everything else does!

"Tell Me A Story"

Oh my, I don't know how in the world this got started, but I definitely blame my mom! Somewhere along the line, my mom and I started telling the girls stories while we rode in the car. Adilyn likes to hear stories, but Kacy LOVES them! They ask for all kinds of different stories, but they usually like to hear about "real" things that have happened to us. Every single Tuesday and Thursday when I drive Kacy to and from school, she asks for stories and more stories and more stories...sometimes it's a request for love stories, sometimes it's blood stories, sometimes it's peepee stories (about when people pee their pants), and sometimes it's made up stories. I actually ran out of exciting stories, so I made up 2 characters that we could tell made up stories about. Their names are JuJu Bean and Jello Bean, and they are sisters. It's fun, and I love when they enjoy the stories that I tell, but man, is it exhausting! It's also super disappointing when I tell a story that I think is pretty dang good, and one of them replies, "Is that it?" Oh well, they are young, and they can't tell a good story when they hear one :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Moment of Peace, With a Box

Adilyn and Kacy still fight a lot, but more and more there are moments that they play well for extended periods of time. Without fail there are about four things that will bring them together playing nice...1) Playing with water (any kind of water)! 2) Playing hair salon or makeup party. 3) Balloons. 4) Boxes.

The other day, we got a new swing for the backyard, and the girls decided to play in the big box that it came in. Then, they decided to get the cushions and pretend that their box was a ship. Adilyn was the mom and Kacy was her baby. They played in that stupid thing for about an hour! It's the little things, I guess :)

Soccer Pictures

Here are some pictures of the amazing soccer we are experiencing :)

Mmmmm....I Wish I Was In a Toaster

I love when the kids say things that show me how their minds work! The other morning, it was pretty chilly. Adilyn was sitting on the kitchen counter like she does everything morning, as I was making her lunch and her breakfast. The girl LOVES cinnamon toast waffles, so we have them almost everyday. She put the waffles in the toaster, and she pushed them down. For the first time, she noticed that the toaster got red as it heated up. She asked me why it was red. I told her that it was the way the toaster works; it heats up everything on all sides at one time. She looked up at me and smiled and said, "Mmmmm...I wish I was in a toaster right now. It looks so warm in there!" Sweet girl! Love that thought :)

The Tooth Fairy's 1st Visit

Adilyn's bottom tooth has been so wiggly for about a month now, and it finally fell out at school yesterday! Her other teeth were already poking out behind them, so she doesn't really have a big hole there. She was so excited this morning to find that the tooth fairy really did visit! We have a "tooth pocket" that we leave the tooth in instead of under our pillow. The tooth fairy came in sometime, took her tooth out of her little treasure box, and left her a $1 bill. Only 19 more to go!

Adilyn - age 5 1/2

Adilyn has been growing up so much lately! Sometimes I look at her, and I can't believe how big she looks. I get glimpses of her as a teenager, and it's awesome, but it's terrifying! She loves helping out with Brooke, and sometimes she "helps" too much, but it's all in love. She likes to help cook, and she loves when I actually let her do things that I wouldn't let her before. For example, I used to never let her get her waffles out of the toaster, but the other day I did. She said, "Really?" I just told her to be careful. She did it all serious and slow and was so proud of herself. She still has issues cleaning up stuff, and it seems to be a struggle to get her to help out when we ask her to. Anytime it's her idea, she is all over it, but most of the time it's hard to get her going. She is also having some problems getting to sleep at night. I know that she is tired, but she just doesn't want to go to sleep. Some nights she comes downstairs with various illnesses or other issues, and other nights she just stays in her room and secretly reads books or plays. She still gets her feelings hurt very easily, and I would love for her to toughen up a little bit! We are working on it :)
She is doing fantastic in school, and she loves to read. Every Monday, she gets a her "readers" which are her two leveled reader books from school. She is only supposed to read one on Monday and one on Tuesday, but she ends up reading both on Monday because she is so excited. Her teacher sends home the books that she thinks are at her level, and it seems that every week she moves her up a level. I think that's a good sign! She is reading books that are at a level 9, which is definitely a 1st grade level. More important to me is the fact that she understands the stories, and that she just loves to figure the words out. She is so proud of herself when she finishes the books for the first time! Her friends seem to change all the time, and I think that's a good thing. She plays with different people all the time, and she gets along with most everyone. She hates to run in PE still, which makes me sad. But, I hated to run until I was out of college, too. :) She seems to love art and music, and she comes home singing the songs she learned in music a lot.
She is growing up so fast, sometimes I feel like I don't give her enough one on one attention. She is gone all day, and our nights are so busy. I need to try to do some things with her alone on the weekends to make sure I get my Adilyn time in before she doesn't want to hang out with me anymore!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Romantic Valentine's Day

Our quiet, romantic Valentine's Days have long been a thing of the past. I remember the first Valentine's Day we had Adilyn. We made a nice pasta dinner at home, had some wine, and dessert. Well, even since then it's changed. Cory still gets me a nice card and flowers every year, but there is definitely not a lot of romance. This year we had soccer practice, so we asked the Hrobars if they wanted to go eat at Fuddruckers that night. So, we had a wonderfully non-romantic (but still very fun) dinner with our besties :) All was as it should be at this point in our life!

Monday, February 11, 2013


We decided to put Kacy in soccer at the YMCA with Hudson this spring. After last year's drama with Adilyn, you would have thought we learned to wait until they are older, but apparently, we didn't! Cory and Shane decided to help coach, so that makes it even more hilarious. The guys are absolutely fantastic with the kids. Kacy is the only girl, and most of the boys are pretty young and tiny. We have one 5 year old boy who is a super star, so that makes it hard in some ways, but at least we have someone going after the ball! It has been fun, but Kacy is not nearly as aggressive as we expected her to be. I think it is because there are so many boys. She pretty much stays by the action, but not in the middle of it. At least she stays in the field unlike her sister. :) I will put some pictures up soon!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Little Hunter

Cory wanted to take the girls hunting one time this season. He tried a couple times, but it never really worked out. Finally, he decided to take them this past Sunday. Adilyn decided that she didn't really want to go, but Kacy was up for it. I was surprised that she was so excited, but she was! Cory woke her up around 4:45am, and they headed out. He said that she did great! She got a little bored, and she didn't like sitting still, but that is to be expected. They didn't see many goose, so they packed up pretty early. She had a great time driving her Barbie jeep in the open land! No curbs to run into, no cars to watch out for. Once she got home, she ran inside saying, "Hunting is fun!" The next morning, she came downstairs and started crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, "Why did Daddy go hunting without me?" He wasn't hunting, he was still sleeping, but her little heart was broken when she thought he had left her. So cute! I hope she continues to enjoy going out with him every now and then!

Crazy Kacy Quips

I definitely love my extra time with Kacy now that I am not working. There are many things that I like about staying home, and many things that I don't like... but that's a whole other post for a whole other day! Kacy is hilarious, and I love the things that she says and does. Here are some of my newest favorite conversations we have had :)
*Kacy was naked for some reason, and it was time for bath. I told the girls to get upstairs for bath, and she said, "Yay!!! I don't even have to get un-dude!" She meant that she didn't have to get undressed. I think she was trying to say "undone."
*She said to me the other day, "Why did those China people make the toy that way?" What?!?! How does she know most toys are made in China?
*She was missing Nammie, and she said that she really wanted her just to come live with us. I told her that PawPaw had to work in Fort Worth, she said, "But, he could just share an office with Daddy. There is lots of room in there!" She had it all worked out!
*We pass the middle school that the girls are going to go to every single day. Every time we pass it she says, "That's the school we will go to when we older! I so excited!" (Let's see how she feels in 8 years!)
*She still says "whobody". Like, "Whobody going to come help me?"
*Her newest thing is to ask "What's in....?" or "How is _____ made?" Like, "What's in applesauce?" or "How do you make lemonade?" I really try to answer her as best I can, but how do you answer "What's in a leaf?"
Love this girl, and love how her little mind works :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Help, I'm Stuck!"

Brooke's favorite thing to do is to climb in tiny spaces and small places, and get stuck! She definitely thinks she is smaller than she is because she usually totally underestimates her size and gets stuck. One of her favorite places to climb through is between the couch and the chair. Usually her head gets stuck about halfway through, and she gets so mad! One time I was taking a shower, and she was crawling around the bathroom. I heard her struggling, so I peeked out to see what was happening. She had crawled under a step stool, and had gotten stuck underneath it. She was crawling around with the stool stuck on her back like a turtle shell! I yelled for Kacy, and she came to rescue her. Thank goodness for big sisters! I hope she grows out of this once she starts walking! :) She is going to run out of places to crawl through as she gets bigger!

Photo Class

Cory, Shane, and Carl all got together and decided to get me, Dana, and Sonja a photography class for Christmas. We were very excited because we all wanted to learn to use our cameras more, but even better - the classes are on Friday nights, which meant, mandatory girls' night out! I haven't had one of those in forever! Way too long! We had such a great time. The information we learned was actually pretty helpful, and we learned a few cool techniques. We have one more class to go to, and I hope we will learn even more. It's great to have such great friends to be able to not only get along as couples, but also get along when it's just us girls. Cory and I took the girls to the park the next day, and I practiced all my new techniques. I wouldn't say that I'm a professional quite yet, but maybe after our "Photo 2" class :)

3 Kids and a Dog Crate

You never know what is going to entertain kids. The other day, I was going to try to sell the dog crate that we have had for years and never used. I got it out to clean it off, and of course, the girls wanted to help. Well, after we had it all cleaned off they decided it would be fun to make it their little home. They all got in it and played in there for a good 30 minutes without fighting. I found that very ironic because here we have a huge house, and they fight all the time. Put them in a tiny crate, and they get along. Go figure! :) They were pretending that Brooke was their doggie because she was crawling around. They would pet her, and in one of the pictures it shows Kacy even cleaning her off a little bit. Brooke loved it, and even after the girls were done, she kept going back in for more playtime. Silly kids!

Social Butterfly

Kacy has always been out-going and social. She loves giving hugs, and she loves talking to people. The other day, she was on a roll! We were waiting in line to mail some packages, and a lady started talking to her. I was letting her push Brooke around in the stroller, so the lady was talking to her about Brooke and asking all about her. Kacy just talked and talked and talked to her. By the time I was finished, everyone in line knew that Kacy had an older sister who was five, a little sister named Brooke who was almost 10 months, that both her and Adilyn's birthdays were in June, that we were going to a beach house this summer with Nammie, that her mommy's name was Celisa and her daddy's name was Cory, and that her favorite show was "Dora the Explorer." It was hilarious! Later that day at Adilyn's dance class, she started talking to another mom there and talked to her about whatever. It's so funny to have kids act so different. Adilyn is so much more quiet and reserved (like me), and Kacy is just so opposite (definitely not like me)!
Kacy makes friends wherever she goes, and she has such a fantastic, happy personality! Love that girl :)

Do You Know What Song I Am Singing In My Brain?

The girls were singing really loud the other day when I was trying to cook dinner, and I told them to just be quiet for a minute. Adilyn said, "But, I want to sing!" I told her to sing the song in her head. Surprisingly, that was good enough for her and Kacy to accept. After a few minutes of that, they thought it would be funny to try to figure out just which song they were "singing in their brain". What? It became a huge game of guessing songs. Of course, it could be any song in the entire world, so it became a bit difficult to guess the actual song. We decided that we could guess 5 songs, and if we didn't guess it in 5 than the person just had to fess up. Since then, Kacy always says, "Mommy, guess what song I am singing in my brain?"