Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kacy's Christmas Program

Kacy had an exciting and riveting Christmas program at her preschool. Each age group sang 3 songs, a total of 9 songs, and it took 45 minutes. By the time they got each age group on the stage, then off again, then the next group on, it was hard work just being in the audience! Kacy was so proud when she saw us in the audience. She was also proud to show off her big sister to everyone! Kacy's group sang, "Happy Birthday, Jesus", "Jingle Bells", and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Barely anyone sang except to yell out, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" at the top of their lungs at the end of the song. It was super cute, though. All the kids were just up there staring out at the crowd. Kacy was sitting right in the middle of the first row in the middle of the stage. She was dressed in a jean skirt, with nothing underneath. Oops! She was showing her Dora panties to the entire audience for all 3 songs. Yikes! I learned my lesson - always wear something underneath! I never in a million years thought they would be sitting! Poor girl. If she only knew...I really love her pre-school, and I am glad she is going to school there.

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