Friday, December 21, 2012

Adilyn's Christmas Party

Adilyn's elementary has the fantastic plan to have all of the "Winter Parties" at 9:30 in the morning on the last day before winter break. It's chaos! They also allow you (encourage you) to take your kid home after the party. So, they get them all sugared up, then send them home at 10:15 in the morning. Awesome! :) Younger siblings are not allowed, so Cory had to stay home with Brooke and Kacy. It was nice to have some time just to focus on Adilyn, though. Her class made reindeer ornaments and ice cream cone Christmas trees. The reindeer craft was not well thought-out, and we couldn't get the pipe cleaner through the felt. The dad at the table with me had a pocket knife, so we illegally used a prohibited item to complete the craft. He passed it to me under the table. So rebellious! :) It was great to see Adilyn in her element, see her friends, and how she is in school. After she finished her crafts, we walked around school to give her PE, Art, and Music teachers a little Sonic gift card. She was so proud to give them their cards. We had a fun time!

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