Thursday, December 6, 2012

Brooke - 8 Months!!!

It cannot be possible that Brooke is 8 months old! She is growing so fast, and she is officially in one of my favorite stages. If she actually slept through the night, she would be the best baby of all times!!! She is still getting up 2 or 3 times a night, and it's making me one very sleepy mama. I am not really sure why she is waking up, and I am not sure what to do about it. Cory has been travelling, so he's not here to help. So for now, we are just dealing with it! Naps are getting better, so that is a step in the right direction. 
She has 4 teeth that have popped through. 2 top and 2 little bottom chompers! 
She is crawling and crawling quickly! The girl is pulling up on everything, getting into the Christmas decorations, and finding every single tiny piece of paper and eating it.
Her favorite thing to do is dump out things in a box and through them around. (Guess she learned that from watching her older sisters!) 
She loves, loves, loves to talk. She makes noise and talks all the time, but she gets especially loud when we are alone. I guess she knows it's her time to shine! Lately, when we have been running errands, she just talks and happy screams the whole time. Luckily, most people find it cute :)
She is a picky eater, and if she doesn't like something, she will literally gag on it. Last night, I tried to give her peas for the 3rd time. She gagged and gagged on them until she actually threw up! So dramatic!
The girl always wants to know what's going on! We were at the store the other day and there were some kids running around. Every time I moved, she would stretch and strain to see what those silly kids were up to. She is constantly looking around for Adilyn, Kacy, and Cory. 
She is so happy most of the time, and I love her little personality. I can't wait to see what she is like as she gets older! She is definitely going to carve her place in the family. 

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