Sunday, April 29, 2012

Brooke is Waking Up!

Well, I knew it would happen at some point, but Brooke is no longer an amazing sleeper at night. She is also no longer a super easy baby. Although she is grumpier than she was the first couple weeks, she is nowhere near what I would call a "hard baby". She calms down pretty easily when she gets mad, but she does get mad a lot for no reason. A couple strange things is that when she is sleeping, she will randomly scream bloody murder for a couple seconds, and then go right back to sleep. I don't know why she does that, but it scares the crap out of me sometimes! It's also a little sad because it seems like something scares her or hurts her, but maybe not. The other thing that is odd is that at night after she eats, she gets congested. I feed her, and when I lay her back down, it seems like she can't breathe. She coughs and sounds all stuffed up. Of course, she can't go back to sleep very easily, so I usually end up holding her and having her sleep on my chest while we both sit up in bed. I can't tell if she just has a little cold, or if she is maybe allergic to something. Whatever it is, I am much more tired than I was those first couple weeks when she was sleeping 5 or 6 hours a night! :) Oh well, I know that she will sleep more eventually!
On a much less complainy note - she is more awake during the day now, which is awesome. It's always hilarious when they start to wake up more, but they can't really be entertained or communicate. You just stare at them, and they stare back, but those are awesome sweet moments. I swear she has smiled at me a couple times! She seems to focus a lot more when Cory, the girls, or I talk to her. I just can't wait to see what she is like when she starts to interact more! I love getting to know their little personalities in these early months!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

I heard that little sleep scream..poor baby. Love the updates!