Brooke has been here for 10 short days, but it feels like she has been a part of our family forever! Things have been going really well so far. Of course, there have been some rough moments, but that is to be expected. There were rough moments in our house even before Brooke arrived! The one thing that I am so happy about is that Adilyn and Kacy have never seemed mad at Brooke when I am with her. They seem to understand that Brooke needs me, and they patiently wait until I can help them or play with them. Dad and Kris were here for the first week, so that really helped out. They played with the girls, kept them entertained, and did a bunch of things around the house. I was a little worried about how we all would adjust without them, but things went pretty well. I really try to spend some time playing with Adilyn when Kacy is napping, and I try to include them in caring for Brooke as much as I can. I do feel bad when Adilyn asks me to play with her, and I just don't have time, but I guess it's all part of being a mom of 3. Unfortunately, Kacy is still being mean to Adilyn, so that is difficult to handle. Overall, I really think that things are going as well as expected.
Some things about brand new Brooke...
*She loves pooping in an fresh and clean diaper! I am pretty sure that she poops in a clean diaper at least 50% of the time that I put a new one on her.
*She also loves to poop the minute that I put her in the car seat. I swear, as soon as I click that last seatbelt in, she poops! Great timing!
*The girl can sleep through anything. Kacy loves to come over and kiss her hand, which of course, means pulling Brooke's hand toward her mouth. 9 times out of 10, she never even flinches!
*She does not love her carseat. I feel like the other girls would pass out on car trips, but Brooke does not seem to do the same.
*Luckily, she loves the Baby K'Tan carrier that I have for her. She will get in there, and get all snuggled in and sleep forever.
*She is very calm most of the time, but without warning, she will start screaming out of nowhere. Then, almost as quickly as the screaming started, she will stop and be fine again.
*When she is awake, she loves to look around at everything. Any time her eyes are open, she will look around to find the girls. I think they will entertain her for years!
*She likes to be held facing up most of the time. Just recently she will fall asleep while laying on someone's chest.
*So far, she is the best sleeper! She will sleep for 4-5 hours at a time at night. I love it! We have only had 2 nights where she woke up a lot.
I can't believe that I am lucky enough to have had 3 healthy babies! I am so happy that Brooke is part of our family :)
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