Sunday, December 25, 2011

PInocchio Field Trip

Adilyn's school has started taking the older kids on field trips every now and then which has been really fun for them. The first one was to Dewberry Farm Pumpkin Patch, and I didn't go because we had already planned to go that weekend with Carl and Sonja. Adilyn was okay with it, but she kept talking about all the other moms and dads that went with them. I felt a little guilty, so I told her that I would go with her next field trip. The next one turned out to be going to see a production of Pinocchio at a theater. My first thought was that 3 and 4 year olds might not be that excited about sitting through a one hour play, but nobody asked me! :) We went on a big charter bus, and Adilyn was so proud to have me there. Of course, she wanted me to sit right by her and she snuggled with me the whole time. We finally got to the play, and the kids were antsy even before it ever started. They all did pretty well, considering the play was pretty hard to follow - even for me! We were going to go to a park afterward, but the weather was not very good, so we headed back. Lunch was at McDonald's which was pretty crazy. Our kids took up the entire eating area! They had it set up ahead of time, so we didn't have to wait for food which was great. It was still quite choatic! Our bus went across the street to the Walmart parking lot, so nobody was expecting 35 or 40 pre-kindergarteners taking up the entire restaurant when they walked in. Most people got one look at the madness and walked right out! Everyone ate pretty quickly, and we went back to school. I was looking forward to having a couple hours to myself to get some things down, but on our way back to school Adilyn told me that she wanted to come home with me. I felt bad, so I decided whatever I had planned for myself could wait. Adilyn and I went home and relaxed there for a while until it was time to go get Kacy. I am really glad I went with her. I got a little insight into what her day is like, who her friends are, and what she is like at school. It was also very sweet to see how happy she was that I was there with her. I am glad that I get to experience some of these things with her!

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