Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Last Christmas Celebration - Our House

Cory and I were really worried that the girls were going to wake up ridiculously early on Christmas morning, but it really wasn't too bad. Kacy came downstairs first around 7:30ish, and she totally missed the whole set up that Santa left by the tree. She jumped in our bed and just relaxed for a little bit. I don't think she even knew/remembered about Christmas. Finally, she started asking about Adilyn, and she said that she was going to to get her. When she walked out to the living room, she noticed the Santa gifts. She came running in the room and said, "Mama, bicycle, bicycle!" She was talking about the scooter. I told her to go get Adilyn, but she said, "No, Mama, play toys." I got a little worried that she was just going to tear into the presents! I hopped out of bed, and we went to wake up Adilyn. Once she got downstairs, it was game on! Adilyn normally takes a while to wake up, but I guess the Christmas excitement woke her up quick. She started passing out presents, and they both dug right in. They actually stopped to look at each present and talk about it before opening another one. We got about halfway through, and they decided to stop and play with some of the toys for a little bit. It was a really fun morning! Cory cooked us a fantastic breakfast, and we ate once all the gifts were open. The rest of the day was spent opening up all the toys and playing with everything.
Some of my highlights of Christmas this year were Adilyn saying, "How did Santa know I wanted this?" after almost every single present. Most of the things that she was given were not even things that she had asked for, but she thought that everything was exactly what she had wanted. It was so cute. Kacy's favorite gift was a tiny little princess camera that Adilyn picked out for her and her very own chapstick. She put that chapstick on all morning long, and every single time I took out my camera, she would take hers out too.
The girls really enjoyed a little birthday cake and cookie set that I gave them. Each one can be decorated in different ways, so they enjoyed pretending with those. They would come around and be the cookie delivery service and give Cory and I tons of cookies. They also really enjoyed scooting around the house on their new scooter. The weather was cold and rainy, so we let them scoot inside for the day.
Christmas was really amazing this year. Everything from decorating the tree to writing the letter to Santa to all of our Christmas celebrations. I always loved the holidays, but now, with kids it is even more fun, more exciting, and more miraculous. I can only imagine what next year will be like with Adilyn and Kacy being older, and a new little one joining the crew. What more could I ask for?

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