Monday, December 26, 2011

Kacy's Favorite Sayings

My sweet Kacy is talking all the time these days. She still has some things that are hard to understand, but she is almost at the point were she can have an entire conversation with her. Sometimes she gets excited, and she will come to me and tell me an entire story complete with hand gestures and laughter, and I won't understand a thing she said. Usually she doesn't care if I don't get everything she said, but just recently she gets really mad if I don't understand her.
Here are some of my favorite things Kacy says...
*Ever since she started sleeping in a big bed, she just comes downstairs when she wakes up. It's kind of nice because I don't have to go all the way upstairs to get her. On the other hand, it's a bit of a pain because the girl is a morning person! She wakes up, and she is up and ready to go! She will climb in our bed, get about one inch away from my face and say, "Good mooning, Mama. Good mooning!" It's too cute to not smile, even if all I want to do is turn around and go back to sleep.
*Anytime we talk about her taking a nap she will always say, "Kacy nap early." I don't know if she says that because she thinks that I will think she already napped or if she is trying to say that she will nap for a long time, but whatever she means, it's adorable.
*I think that one day recently she was eating a lot, and I said, "Man, Kacy you must be hungry today!" Now every time she is hungry she says, "I hungy today."
*Instead of saying, "My feet are cold." It's, "Cold, my feet!"
*For some odd reason, she has an irrational fear of bugs or other strange things in the bathroom. Every time she says that she has to go to the bathroom, I tell her to go. She always asks, "Mama, bugs?" I have cleaned and cleaned in there, and I have shown her that there are no bugs, but she still asks me almost every time.
*Cory was hunting for quite a few weekends, and every time Kacy came in the bedroom in the morning and she would notice he was gone she would say, "No, Daddy" in the sweetest little sing song voice.
*Kacy loves playing with her baby dolls, and her favorite thing is putting them to bed. Anytime she puts them to sleep, she will tell us, "Baby sleeping. Be quiet! No talking, guys!"

She is so lovable and such a cutie pie! I love her little personality. She is so stubborn yet determined, and she is so silly yet serious at times. I can't get enough of her :)

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