Monday, September 14, 2009

Little Cutie and Big Cutie

Kacy is 10 weeks old now, and I can't even remember our lives without her in it. She is such a sweet addition to our little family. We went for her 8 week appointment a couple weeks ago and she weighed 13 pounds 6 ounces. That is what Adilyn weighed at 4 months! She is a big girl; she already wears 3-6 month clothes, barely. She is super smily all the time. We no longer have to act super crazy to get one of her sweet little grins. There is nothing better than seeing a face light up with a huge toothless grin. I love it! She sleeps every night for at least 5 hours at a time. She has slept from 11pm - 7am twice! Adilyn didn't sleep that long until she was about 8 months old, so I am very thankful to be getting more sleep than I did with my first baby. I have noticed that when she goes to daycare, she sleeps way better at night. I think they keep her up when she's there. Fine with me, I am getting more sleep than I ever thought I would at this point.

A few things about Kacy that I love at 10 weeks...
*She goes to town kicking her feet every now and then
*She loves chillin' in the Baby Bjorn
*No matter what, when Adilyn comes around, she is completely fixated on her
*She loves being outside
*She stops crying in the car when I open the windows
*She absolutely loves her baths
*She loves grabbing on to my shirt or a blanket or whatever she can get her hands around
*Her hair is still sticking up on the top of her head just like Adilyn's did
*I feel like I can have a whole "conversation"with her now because she "talks" so much
She is my Little Cutie!
I think that Adilyn has finally accepted life as a big sister. She very rarely has any jealous moments anymore. She seems to love Kacy, but I think she is a little bored with her. She seems to want to play with Kacy, but all she can do is lay there and look at her. She still loves bumpin' knuckles with her. I have caught her singing ABC's or Twinkle to Kacy a few sweet! She also tells me every time Kacy is crying, like I can't hear her. I can't wait to see what they will be like when Kacy can crawl around with her. Adilyn has become a little helper. She always wants to help me cook and clean. Sometimes her help creates more of a mess, but it's still really cute and sweet of her to try. We are still dealing with some typical "two" behavior - not listening, throwing fits, etc. It makes me laugh most days. It just cracks me up that she can go from super happy to a raging fit in a matter of minutes. I included a picture of her during a fit because we took her crayons away after she wrote on the chair...we are such mean parents!
Some things I love about Adilyn at 2 years, 2 months...
*Her hair makes her look like a little rag-a-muffin baby, but I don't know what to do with it! She won't keep anything in it, and I don't want to cut bangs. I'm just happy she finally got some hair!
*Her new favorite thing to say is, "Mama, look!" and then she shows me something spectacular.
*She only likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I try to show her some variety, but she stays faithful to ole' Mickey.
*She still loves to play "night-night", which is also one of our favorite games! Lay in bed and cover up with blankies. :)
*She tells me when people are mean to her at school.
*She wants to wear panties instead of diapers, but then she realizes how much work it is to go to the restroom every time she has to pee. Then she wants to wear diapers again. I don't blame her, I would wear diapers if it were socially acceptable!
*Every time I take a picture of her she wants to see it on the camera's screen.
*When she gets bored with dinner, she squeezes her food until all the juice comes out of it. Watermelon is her favorite.
*When she wants something she'll say something like - "Mama, Addy color right here, o-tay?" It's almost as if she ends it with "okay" then I will always agree with her and say okay.
*Every time the dogs bark she asks, "What's this? Truck? Man? Kitty?" (those are all the things that she has determined will make the dogs bark)
I love my "Big" Cutie! :)
"Helping" me make brownies...
It's as if the world is going to end...

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hudson is crawling and the boys LOVE it:) Adilyn's hair is awesome!! We need to get together soon.