Well, my baby is growing up right before my eyes. We have been "dabbling" in potty training for a while now. There was no pressure, and I really didn't care at this point if she was potty trained. They decided to go ahead and work with her at school, so a couple weeks ago they told me to send her with panties. I thought they were crazy, but I obliged. She had a couple accidents here and there at school, but at home, she didn't want to wear panties. One night after we had to run inside to pee she refused to put panties back on. I asked her, "Addy, why don't you want to wear panties at home?" She replied, "work." From that I got that she just didn't want to think about having to stop and go to the bathroom. I can sympathesize with that. If it was socially acceptable for me to wear diapers, I probably would too! :) Anyway, on Saturday she was good with panties, so we went with it. We were going to go to the park, and I asked her if she wanted to keep panties on. She said yes. We were at the park for about ten minutes, and she screamed, "I go pee pee! I go pee pee!" There was nobody at the park, so we went to the trees, and I taught her how to "outside pee". I held her hands and she squated like a champ! She might be a camper yet!
Later that night, we were talking about her "big girl room". I told her that she was going to have to sleep in a big bed one day. She said, "I sleep big girl bed tonight." I thought to myself, "yeah, right!" Anyway, we read our books in there and just as I thought she was going to ask for the crib, she said, "I go night night." I freaked out! I was not mentally prepared for this! My baby was going to be in a big bed...no rails, no soft crib bumper to shield her head, nothing...I walked out of the room, still expecting for her to change her mind. There was nothing but silence. She had fallen fast asleep. About an hour and a half later, Cory and I hear a big thud. We hear her cry out just a little bit, then it got quiet again. We just assumed she bumped her head or something. Before I went to bed, I poked my head in. Poor girl was face first on the ground, dead asleep! I had to hold back my laughter! I picked her up and put her back in the bed, she never even moved a muscle. She slept the whole night there. Tonight is her 3rd night in there with no problems. I was so worried about how hard this transition was going to be for her, and it was absolutely no problem at all.
Some of my favorite potty training moments so far:
*She had panties on, and she was walking in my tennis shoes. All of a sudden I hear, "Mama, pee pee in shoes." She had peed and left two big puddles in my shoes.
*She grabs her bootie and says, "Poo poo coming!"
*She likes for her panties to match her shirt.
*She cheers for everyone when they go potty.
*Her favorite thing is flushing. She will flush before she goes and after. I will have to teach her about water conservation.
*Her 2nd favorite thing is washing her hands. She will stand on her stool and wash her hands forever!
*We were in Walgreens (she had a diaper on) and she grabs her crotch and yells, "I go pee pee! I go pee pee!" Everyone turns to look at me expecting a huge accident. When I reminded her that she was wearing a diaper, she said with a smile, "Oh, otay."