Sunday, April 16, 2017

Friends, Eggs, and Fun!

This camping trip had to be the best weather we have ever had while camping! Usually we have some great weather, then we go camping, and it's horrible. This was fabulous weather the whole weekend. We dyed eggs, went on some hikes, rode bikes, and the kids did a lot of art work. Kacy kept holding "art class" for everyone, her students were mostly just Hannah and Brooke, but she was okay with that. By the end of the trip they had painted rocks, sticks, the picnic table, and some pieces of paper. The other thing that the kids got into were rolly-pollies. They were everywhere, and the kids would capture them, name them, and make little homes for them. I always think it's hilarious that when we camp, they always find something different to entertain themselves. They always love to explore and ride bikes, but then there is always someone else that they get into for the weekend. We had a wonderful weekend with some of our favorite people! Adilyn lost a tooth on Sunday, and the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny hid her money in an egg for the kids to find the next day. They all had fun with that!

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