Thursday, April 6, 2017

Brooke is FIVE!

I can hardly believe that my littlest little one is five! She is sure a girl with a mind of her own, a sweet little heart, an ear-piercing scream, and a creative soul. I love her little fierceness, and her "don't give a dang" attitude with certain things. What comes to my mind in that respect is the she is going to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. If she doesn't want to do it, she doesn't! We will be at parks sometimes, and a kid will try to talk to her. If she doesn't get a good vibe, she completely and totally ignores them. It's not necessarily in a rude or disrespectful way, just like a "no thanks, not interested" kind of way. Hopefully this characteristic will only be used for good, not evil in the future! She still loves to color and draw, and most of the time now all her markers go on paper and not the walls. She loves to be silly and laugh! Any time she gets really giggling, she will get the hiccups. She loves to dance, and she loves to bug her sisters. This little 5 year old has her own little personality, and I just love it! (Well, most of it!)

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