Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mommy Blog Overload

As we all know, the Internet has changed almost every aspect of our lives these days. I love a lot of it: being able to find the answer to almost any question in a matter of seconds, keeping in touch with people that would normally never be in my life (even if it is virtually), and keeping all my pictures and videos safe from my computer crashing :) Although there are many amazing things about the old World Wide Web, I think the Internet and the accessibility of information, television shows, and the wealth of information can also bring some negative changes to our culture. I am so tired of seeing people use iPads, phones, or other devices to "babysit" their children. Don't get me wrong, I let my kids watch tv and play games on my phone. What I do not agree with is going out to eat with your family, and giving each child of the family their own device to watch a show on throughout the entire time. It also drives me crazy when parents give their kids a phone when they are acting nuts in public. That's a perfect way to reward that kid who is screaming in the grocery store. Again, I know there is a time and a place for it. What I worry about it the fact that we are not teaching our children to be patient, to "suffer" through things that are not exactly exciting, or to spend time together as a family. How is this going to affect our society in the bigger picture? Who knows, but it does make me worry a little.
Now on to the blog aspect of the Internet world...
I began my blog to take place of baby books, journals, and to use as basic memory keeping for myself and my family. I am not here to change the world, to make that one "viral" post, or to brag about how much fun I have with my kids doing crafts and homemade gifts. All of a sudden, I feel like every mom is out there blogging for money (more power to them, we could all use the extra cash). There are all the different "types" of moms, the crunchy cloth diapering earth mama (who can make you feel like you are ruining the environment with your disposable diapers and baby food jars), the Christian mama (who can make you feel like because your kids are going to public school you could never teach them how to be a real Christian), the crafty, creative mama (who must have three nannies or ten arms of their own to utlitize all those amazing teachable moments complete with a homemade season appropriate wreath all while taking pictures of each step), the "scary" mama (who can make you laugh when she tells it like it is, but then you realize it's a little over the top). And then, there are all the posts that are meant to encourage all moms for just "doing the best they can." It's all a little overwhelming. It's great that people can use blogs and the Internet to connect with other people that are like them, but to me, it kinda seems like everyone is a trying to be a money-making blogger these days...
and now I step down off my high horse, and continue with my own little blog that only my besties and my family read :) Love you guys!

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