Monday, September 16, 2013

Brooke Can Talk!

Just as I suspected would happen, Brooke just started talking one day. Now, I don't mean that she is just chit-chatting away, but she can repeat a lot of words that we say, and she can say a lot of words on her own. Her favorites are "Ow!", "Kacy", "Addy", "Thank you", "bye-bye", "Hello", "ball". I just love when they start talking and their personalities start to show even more than they already do! She is still proving to be our little explorer and daredevil. We shall see if that continues!
The cutest thing she says is "nummies". Anytime there is something that she wants to eat, usually it's something sweet, she will yell, "Nummy" until we give it to her. I am guessing that she got it from us saying, "yummy", but whatever it means, it sure is adorable!

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