Friday, July 12, 2013

Kacy Makes Me Smile :)

Kacy is a very verbal girl. She always expresses herself very well, and she tries to use big words all the time. She talks so super fast that she stutters over her words a lot of times, and it's hard for her to get things out sometimes. Usually, she uses words correctly, but lately she has made some funny mistakes...
*She came out of the bathroom with floss and said, "Mom, I really need to sloth my teeth!"
*She still says, "Daddy is on a cone fall." (phone call)
*Instead of special occasion, it's special vacation.
*She called Cory's whiskers, flickers.
*There was a problem with her and Adilyn not being able to share (imagine that!) and she told Cory, "I think this is a conundrum!" When I asked her where she learned that she said, "I just learned it in my brain."
*She kept calling experiments - experience. "I want to do an experience!"
*We were talking about Ryan and his girlfriend, and she said, "Is Porkaney coming?" I told her that she cannot call her that, her name is Courtney!
*"Why are your legs so springly?" meaning, prickly!
*She and Adilyn were playing in the pool, and she couldn't reach something under the water. She came up out of the water and said, "It's no use, Sister, I can't do it!"
*We were on our way to a spashpad, and she had a clip in her hair. She said, "Is this clip watertrained?" What?!?! We finally figured out that she meant waterproof.
*She has always been very observant about people's clothes. When we were in Fort Worth, she told Pops one more, "You wear the same clothes every single day!"
*Conditioner for hair is called "hair conditioning".
*Brooke was being crazy and screaming. Kacy said, "Take her to the organary office where grownups go!" I still have no idea what in the heck she was talking about.
*"Mommy, can I have a tiny?" After a bit, we realized she meant twinkie.
*We were picking out bandaids, and she couldn't decide. She looked at me and said, "Which one do you prefer?"
*Adilyn and her were fighting one day, and she told Cory, "I think we have a conundrum here!"
I can always, always count on Kacy for a smile. Love my goofy girl!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Love that girl..she is just hilarious!