Thursday, July 18, 2013

Circus Time

The circus came to town, and we had to go check it out! I used to be terrified of the circus with all the creepy clowns and stuff, but things have changed a lot. The clowns are sillier now, and not so much in your face like I remember being traumatized by! The girls enjoy it, although it seems that they enjoy the souvenirs and snowcones more than the show. I don't think they understand just how amazing the acrobatics are or the other things they are doing. Kacy's favorite part was the acrobats on the horses, and Adilyn's favorite part was the guy riding a motorcycle on a tight rope. Brooke's favorite was eating popcorn with a spoon. Another fun times filled with fabulous memories!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Greatest Show on Earth! Funtimes with Henderson gals!