Monday, October 15, 2012

Adilyn's 1st Kindergarten Experience

I am going to try to sum up Adilyn's first 8 weeks of Kindergarten at Jowell. First of all, the school was much better than I ever would have imagined! Had I known that she would have had such a great experience, I would not have been so obsessed with moving. Not that I wanted her to grow up in that school forever, but a couple years would have been fine! First of all, her teacher, Mrs. Hanna was amazing. When we went to open house, she told us how great Adilyn was, how she was such a wonderful helper and a good student. After I told her that we were going to be moving, she genuinely seemed to be sad to see her go. She made her "Student of the Month" for September, and wrote her a very sweet note on her last day. Adilyn had a little friend named Bailey, who I always assumed was a girl. Turns out, Bailey was a boy. The reason I know that is because she came home one day and told me that he kissed her twice. Once on the cheek, and once on the mouth. Yikes! Her other favorite friend was Lucia, a sweet little girl who sat at her table. Adilyn was always amazed with her beautiful, grown-up earrings. She also liked to play with a little girl named Madeline at recess who was in a different class. I asked her how they always ended up playing together. She said, "Sometimes I find her, sometimes she finds me, and sometimes we just find each other!" They played princess and pretended that a climb on dinosaur was their castle. A couple other friends she talked about were Brandon (Bailey's brother), Naomi, Mia, and Joe. Adilyn had a job as the "water manager" one week, and she took it very serious! She had to stand at the water fountains and make sure that people didn't drink too much water. She also had to make sure that they were quiet in line. Another week, she was the girl line leader, and she seemed to like that okay, but it wasn't nearly as impressive as the water manager. She liked art and music alright, but she never really sad much about PE other than she liked the exercise dancing. She would sometimes come home and show me the stretches and cool exercises that she learned like scissor jumps and short leg - long leg. She absolutely loves writing! She sat down and copied every word from one of her princess books just because she wanted to practice. Everyday on our 30 minute drive to school and 30 minute drive home she would practice writing her sight words and anything else she could think of writing. She wants to play school all the time to teach Kacy and I all the numbers and letters and sight words. I love that she loves to learn, and I hope that love for learning continues throughout her life! I am so happy that she enjoyed her first school experience, and I hope her new elementary is just as perfect for her!
A couple Kindergarten stories...
*One day, it was raining at dismissal. I thought I was supposed to pick her up as I car rider when it rained, so I was waiting in the car rider line. I was in the car line, and I got a call at 3:55 from the office saying that Adilyn was in the office because nobody picked her up. I rushed out of line, and got Brooke and Kacy out to go get her. Poor girl was sitting on the couch in the office looking so lost, so forgotten, so sad! It broke my heart! It took a good 45 minutes for her to recover from it! Another day, I got stuck in traffic, so I was going to be late. I called the office to tell them to tell Adilyn that I would be there soon. I was so worried that she was going to be so sad again. Luckily, I got there, and she was okay. I asked her if she was worried, she said, "No, I knew you were going to be there. The office worker told me." Sigh of relief...
*In her words, "Mom, you will never believe what happened today! Two people peed in their pants! Two, in the same day! It was a crazy day in Kindergarten!"
*"It was so sad today. Nobody was listening, so we didn't get center time or recess! Why can't they just listen?" Um, my thoughts exactly, daily!!!
*I sent some candy corns in her lunch one day, and she told me that Bailey asked her for a yellow one. She said that he could have the chocolate ones because she didn't like those. Then she said, "After I gave him the chocolate ones, I just ate all the yellows ones really fast." I asked her what he said. She said, "He didn't say anything, but he didn't look very happy!" (with a sneaky smile on her face)
*"Mom, Kacy could come to school with me because there are lots of kids her size there!"

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