Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kacy's Funny Sayings

Kacy has the cutest little voice, and everywhere we go people always comment on the way she talks. I do love the way she talks, but I also love the things she says. She has great ideas, and is so animated when she tells stories.
Some of my favorites things she says lately -
"Whobody going to help me?" She uses whobody instead of just "who" :)
We were at the pool the other day, and she kept saying, "I am drooling, Mama!" I couldn't figure out why she kept saying that. Finally, I realized she was saying that she was drowning!
The girl loves Dora, and of course, in Dora everyone is always asking for help, and they ask for help in Spanish. Anytime she needs help, Kacy always yells, "Ayudame"!
She thinks handstands are called "handstamps".
When she asks me if we can do something and I say no, she says, "Maybe, maybe!"
Love this age...craziness and all!

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