Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kacy is 3!

Kacy had a great birthday! We were in Galveston on her actual birthday, so we celebrated there. The Hrobar's came down to play for the day also. There was a 4th of July parade that morning, so we kept telling her that the parade was for her birthday. :) She knew we were joking, but she would still smile every time we said it. We headed down to the beach to play after the parade. Unfortunately, a storm rolled in pretty quickly, so we had to head back to the house. The kids spent time most of the time in the tiny house watching cartoons. Dana and I decorated the porch downstairs with pink princess stuff and princess plates, and we all headed down there for cake and presents. She was really surprised when she saw the decorations because she didn't even know that we had gone down to decorate. It was really cute to see how she was acting because she knew that it was a special day, and that it was "her" special day.
Here is my take on Kacy at 3...she is definitely my wild child. I would guess that 85% of the fights we have at the house start with her bugging Adilyn or pushing her buttons. She gets in this crazy Kacy zone and won't listen to anything we say. Kacy is very self-sufficient, but she likes to have us help her sometimes just to get attention. She loves to take her clothes off. If she isn't taking her clothes off, she is trying to steal Adilyn's clothes. She claims that Adilyn's clothes are more beautiful than hers. She really believes that her hair is crazy and always tries to make it "super beautiful". Her favorite way to describe things is by using words two or more times. For example, "this is a really, really, really ouchie" or "I want to be beautiful and beautiful!" She is very dramatic when she describes things, and she uses her hands to talk a lot. Kacy demands attention, and when she doesn't get it, the world falls apart! She has just recently developed an annoying habit of complaining about everything I give her. I give her a half of a cookie, and she cries for 15 minutes because it's too tiny of a piece. She will just stare at it and scream until finally she accepts it and eats. I give her a red cup, and she throws it across the room because she wanted blue. She needs to learn to live by the beloved saying "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" Kacy is a morning person for sure! She wakes up, and she is ready to go. Don't know where that trait came from! She picks up on new things very quickly. She could ride her bike with training wheels as soon as we got it for her, and she is doing great swimming this season.
The girl can make me laugh like nobody else can. She makes the most hilarious faces, and she dances super silly dances. The things she says and the things she does light up my days even on the most frustrating of times.

Kacy's 3 year old question and answer time:
What's your favorite show? Dora
What's your favorite color? blue (interestingly enough, that's Adilyn's too!)
What do you want to be when you grow up? silly
What is your favorite food? Mac and cheese
Who is your best friend? Dora and Boots
What do you like to do at home? play with babies
Where is your favorite place to go? parks and beach
What do you want to learn to do this year? gymnastics and learning things

I love Kacy so much, she is sweet and sour, she is beautiful and cuddly, she is loving and dramatic, she is giggly and goofy. And I am so lucky she is mine!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Happy Birthday, Kacy girl! You are something else and we love you