Sunday, May 20, 2012

Brooke @ 6 weeks

I can't believe that Brooke has been with us for 6 weeks! It sure seems like she has been a part of our family forever. These last 6 weeks have been so busy with all the showings and everything. Brooke has been camping twice, has been to five birthday parties, and has gone to countless restaurants, parks, and friends' houses. She is definitely a girl on the move!
Some things that I have learned about my newest baby girl in these last 6 weeks -
*She is a good sleeper! She will usually sleep 5 to 6 hours at night which is fantastic.
*She doesn't really like people all up in her space. It seems like she likes Adilyn and Kacy, but she really doesn't seem like she likes it when they get really up close and personal.
*Brooke is definitely the first kid that I have had that wants to lay down and not be held some times.
*Although my other two girls loved the swing, she just likes it okay. When she does sleep in it, she makes sweet little noises as it swings back and forth.
*She is very inconsistent in what she likes. Sometimes she wants to be held, sometimes she wants to lay flat on the couch, sometimes she wants to be bounced, etc...she just likes different things which is nice but also hard to figure her out.
*She didn't like the car seat at first, but she is definitely getting more used to it.
*Her little neck is getting so strong. She likes to hold her head up and look around at everything that is happening.
*When she gets upset, she has this tiny little cry that lasts for such a short amount of time, more like a little squeal than a cry.
*She can usually be calmed down pretty quickly when she does get upset.

I can't wait to see her grow and form her own little personality. I am excited to see how she fits into our family!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Love our Little Brooke so much!!