Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Afraid of the Dark?

Adilyn decided tonight that she was afraid of the dark. The trouble started when she came downstairs after I put her down and said her throat hurt. I gave her some water and sent her back upstairs. A few minutes later she started crying again and said her throat hurt "even worser". I gave her a tiny bit of Tylenol, and told her that it was throat medicine and sent her back upstairs with Cory to pat her back and talk to her for a few minutes. Not more than 5 minutes later she was crying again. Every time she was with us, she seemed fine, and when she was alone in her room, she would cry. Weird! I finally went up there with Brooke and laid with her while I fed Brooke. She fell right to sleep! When I got out of the bed, she woke up and was complaining about her throat again. I then got the feeling that there was more going on here than a sore throat. She finally told me that she wanted someone to sleep with her. (When we were sick, we all slept together, and apparently she liked it!) I told her that she had to sleep alone. She said, "But, why does Brooke get to sleep with you?" I explained the reason, and I told her that she had to sleep by herself because there wasn't room for her in our bed. She said that she was scared of the dark, and that she always thinks a witch is going to come in her room at night. What?!? Where did that come from? So strange! I told her that she could keep the light on in her closet, and I would keep the door open. I also told her that if a witch came in the house, they would have to get past Daddy, and Daddy has a lot of ways to keep her safe. She said, "Yeah, like his bat and his gun. And he can also kick really good!" Anyway, after that, I left her room, and she has been up there quietly for 30 minutes now. Hmmm...was she really scared or just trying to pull a fast one on me to sneak into a comfy, cozy Mama/Daddy bed? We will never know! :)

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