Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sooooo Done!

We have been working to get our house ready to sell for almost a month now. Almost everyday, we are doing something - packing, cleaning, decluttering, painting, grouting, blah, blah, blah. We have made so much progress, and I can hardly even believe that we have done so much ourselves! Although the list is significantly shorter than it was, it still seems like we are never going to get everything done. I made an appointment for our realtor to come take pictures this Thursday, so most everything has to be done by then. We worked from 10am - 5pm yesterday, and from 11am - 7pm today. Of course, there are still many, many things that have to be done before Thursday. So, this evening, I finally had a mini-breakdown. Cory had taken his old truck up to Trinity, and the girls and I took a break and go to a park. We had a great time, and the weather was beautiful. I kept telling them that when we got home, they would need to clean up their toys. Well, we got home and there was NO cleaning being done. They were playing and pretending to clean, but they were really just making bigger messes. I started getting really frustrated, but then I decided to just forget fighting the battle. I took away their normal show before bedtime, and we just got in the bathtub. Long story short, Adilyn still fought me every step of the way down to arguing with me about which pajamas she was going to wear. She even told me that she was going to "flick me in the head" if I didn't let her wear her jammie dress. What!?! Anyway, I finally just left her in her room to figure things out on her own, and I went back to cleaning. I was so stressed out that when Cory got home, I had a five minute breakdown. It's just too much right now! I guess five minutes was all I needed because I felt much better after a short little cry. :) I will be so glad when all this work is over! I know that it's going to be a whole different level of stress once the house is one the market and being shown, but at least the projects will be over! All I have to say is that the house we move into better not have a lot of work to be done to it. I can't handle anymore home improvements for at least a year!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

You are an amazing woman..meltdown or not. St Joe is ready and I'm bringing him down.