Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Little Girls...Growing Up

Sometimes, I look at the girls in a specific moment, and I cannot believe how big they are getting. I can't believe the things that Adilyn is learning and doing. She is starting to "read" a little bit, and she was so proud of herself the other day when she brought a book home that she could read. It was the tiniest little reader book that she had pretty much memorized, but she was still sounding out the words pretty good. The greatest thing about it was that she was so proud of herself for being able to read! I know that Adilyn is not overly excited about learning and academic-type things. She is not way above average in the things that she knows, but I don't think that she is too low or anything either. I am okay with her not being crazy smart, but I hope that she enjoys learning and enjoys school as she gets into school. She is also getting pretty good with her motor skills. She is a great climber, she loves to dance and do "tricks", and she loves to make up songs. I just can't wait to see what type of things she gets into, and the things that she likes! Kacy is hilarious, and she has turned in to quite our little troublemaker. She copies everything Adilyn does, and she can pretty much keep up with everything that Adilyn can do. She may be one step behind, but she tries her hardest. Unfortunately, she is still pretty mean to Adilyn. I think she does it out of frustration or to get attention, but it is really annoying! I feel bad for Adilyn because she is strong, and the things that she does really do hurt. I keep saying that it will pass soon, and I hope it does! The other awesome thing about Kacy is she is such a little talker, but nobody really expects her to be able to talk. People will ask Adilyn a question about something, and she will answer. When Adilyn is finished answering, Kacy will also answer. Most of the time people don't even notice Kacy answering, but she gives her opinion anyway. It will be interesting to see how Kacy fills her "middle child" role when the baby is born. The girl is amazing, and I love her so much. I love her dramatic facial expressions, her determination, and her cuddliness.
I am constantly amazed by the amount of love that I have for these two sweet girls. I am so lucky to have them in my life, and I can't wait to add another one to the bunch :)

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