Friday, November 25, 2011

Big Bed, Night #3

We moved Kacy to her new big bed on Tuesday night, and things went amazingly well. She never fell out of the bed, never got out of bed, and she seemed to be pretty comfortable with the transition. Then, came nap time today...she got right out of bed, opened the door, and came right out! I put her back in her room, and put Cory in charge of keeping her there. :) He said that it took about 25 minutes for her to stay in her bed and fall asleep. He ended up sitting in the chair in her room until she fell asleep. I didn't think anything of it because I just assumed it was a nap time thing...She walked her cute little self downstairs after about an hour and a half nap, which was not long enough in my opinion. We went to the park and had a fun time, then we came home and ate dinner. She was relatively fine until after dinner, and then the trouble started. My sweet little 2 year old was obviously trying to push limits! She unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper, put her foot in the toilet, dumped out a container of toys that we had just cleaned up, and other annoying actions. I figured she was tired from her short nap, so we went upstairs a little earlier than I had planned. We read a story, sang some songs, and I left. She followed me. I put her back in her bed, and she followed me again. And again, and again, and again! I was trying to read to Adilyn, and she came in about 5 times during one short story. Luckily, Adilyn was being very patient and good! Thank goodness for small miracles. As I was reading to Adilyn, I was also thinking about how I was going to deal with this little bed leaver. I was decided that I would go with Super Nanny's technique, pretty much because it was the only thing that I could remember. I kept putting her back in her bed without saying anything, but it wasn't working. Then, I laid down in bed with her and patted her back for a few minutes. She got still, but I was afraid to move. I stayed there for a few minutes, and I heard her breathing change. I slowly rolled off the bed and tiptoed out of the room...I hit the creaky board in the floor right before I opened the door, and it was over. She was up. I put her back in bed, and I sat on the edge of her bed for what seemed like forever. I started getting uncomfortable, but she was still obviously awake. I slipped down to the floor, and stayed there for even longer. I didn't know how much longer I could really stay there, but then Willow decided to find out what the heck was going on, and she pushed the door open. Again, Kacy popped right up. I changed my strategy, and I went in the hallway. Every time she came out, I put her back in her bed without saying anything. After about 10 more times of doing that, she finally cried herself to sleep. I hate that she is sad, or scared, or just pushing limits, but I refuse to have crazy bedtimes! I do not want bedtime to be a struggle every night, so I will continue to stick to my guns until she gets the hint that bedtime is bedtime!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

Go, Super Nanny..I mean Super Mommie..hang in there!