Monday, November 21, 2011

No More Crib, Night #1

Kacy has still been sleeping in her crib because I was trying to wait to see if we were going to move before making the big switch for her. This weekend, I decided that it was time to try her in a big bed. Her crib was supposed to turn into a full bed, but we weren't sure that we wanted little Kacy in such a huge bed. We had an extra full mattress, and no twin instead of buying anything new now, we just put the little girl in a big bed. She was a little nervous at first, but after a few extra songs, and a few minutes of crying, she was out. So far, she has not rolled out of the bed, but the night is still young. I know that naps could also become a little challenging, but it's time to face it. Now, we just need to decorate her room a little differently. It's strange to not have the room as the "nursery" anymore. I know that we will need another nursery in a couple months, but hopefully we will have a new house by then!

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