Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let's Eat!

Kacy has just gotten really into pretending, and it's so cute! Her newest obsession is pretending to make us all dinner. She gets paper plates out for every one, she places them strategically on the floor, and she well tell us when dinner is ready. When we get there she usually tells us that it's too hot. Every time I ask her what we are having the answer is always mac 'n cheese and bananas or pizza! If I ask her for more, she will go to a place, pretend to get more and put it on my plate.If I ask her for something different, she will go to a different place and get a pretend scoop of whatever I asked for. She makes the cutest little face because she knows that she is being silly. She added to the game by writing our "names" on the back of the plates, so we would know which one was ours. Of course, they are all just a bunch of circles, but she gets mad if we go to the wrong one. I love that Adilyn goes along with the game, too. She will ask for more food or more to drink, and she never tries to take over Kacy's game. I absolutely love with they get along and play well together!

1 comment:

Nammie said...

I will have my request ready for the short order cook when I arrive on Thursday...Love you.