Monday, October 17, 2011


I try to not have the girls watch too much tv, but we usually watch one 30 minute show each night before books and bedtime. I know there are some people out there that would say that it too much, but I also know there are toddlers out there that watch tv all day long. I figure we are probably okay. We have been through many different favorites...Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, but the most recent is Dora the Explorer. Thank goodness for Netflix streaming because we have over 80 episodes, which means we don't have to watch the same ones over and over. (Good for them, better for me!)
Some people get really annoyed with Dora's repetitiveness and excessive wait time, but it doesn't bug me too much. I think the show teaches good lessons - helping friends, sharing, solving problems, not giving up, wearing seatbelts and lifejackets, etc. Anyway, I also think the Spanish is fun for them to learn and listen to. It always cracks me up to hear Adilyn yelling, "Corre! Coree!", "largo...corto, largo...corto" or "Dora, take the azul path!"
Kacy really likes Dora, too, which helps. She has picked up some of Dora's favorite sayings, too. At the end of each show, Dora always says, "What was your favorite part of today's adventure?" Kacy has started repeating the whole thing, "My favorite part is..." She usually says, "Dora" or "Boots." Recently, she has started saying it all the time for different things. She will just randomly say, "My favorite part is..." then whatever is on her mind. She says it so cutely, too, like she is trying so hard to say every word just right. Kacy also loves Map. The other day when Dad and Kris were here, Kris said something while they were playing like, "Which way should we go?" Kacy yells, "Map! Map!" Dora always says, "Who do we ask when we don't know which way to go?" and of course, the answer is "Map!" It was so cute that she even connected Map to real world. So, all things considered, I do enjoy Dora and all her friends, and I am certainly glad that there is a variety of episodes for us all to enjoy!
Adios, amigos! :)

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