Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kacy's New Tricks!

Little Kacy has been doing a lot of new things all of a sudden, but her newest milestone is taking some steps! She can go about 4 or 5 steps, and then she gets so excited that she just tips over! She be running before we know it. Kacy can also blow kisses, wave at all cars that drive by, and pull hair (mostly Adilyn's)! I thought at first she was just pulling hair on accident, but after the last couple days it is obviously on purpose. I guess she's just fighting back for the last two or three months of abuse that Adilyn has given her! The poor girl also got 4 new teeth in the last 2 weeks, which of course was fun for all of us! :) She is growing so fast!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yeah Kacy! I love the arms in the air. It's gonna be interesting at the lake. Hudson will be biting and Kacy can pull his long hair.